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[1] Badmington, N. (2007) Alien chic: posthumanism and the other within. London: Routledge. Freedman, C. (2000)

[2] Smith, D. W. , &  Rush, K. K. . (2002). Star trek. Film Comment, 46(1), 46-46.

[3] Christopher Nolan. (2014). Interstellar. Film

[4] Frank Herbert (1965). Dune. Science fiction

[5] Shelly Fan. (2019). Will AI Replace Us: A Primer for the 21st Century. Thames. & hudson.

[6] Jane McGonigal. Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

[7] Isaac Asimov. Galactic Empire. Science Fiction

Ruixiao Zhang

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