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Unit3 Artist Statement

Since Unit 2, I have embarked on an exploration of gamifying my artistic works. Grounded in my interests in high technology, post-humanism, and gamification, I have developed a worldview and background story and furthered the development of my works through gamification. This involved the design of various characters and architectural elements, culminating in the creation of a turn-based strategy game using a game engine. However, a challenge arose. Gamification inevitably requires an immersion in the realm of design. While I have a profound interest in this field, finding the right balance between the two realms has been imperative. I have endeavored to leverage my knowledge from fine art courses as much as possible.
I initiated the quest for a compromise that would allow both disciplines to coexist. I sought to integrate the expressive modes of printmaking and pure art, while also contemplating the underlying reasons for the distinct modes of expression between design and pure art. Through discussions with my mentors about the MA show, I garnered further inspiration. I began employing various methods of establishing dialogue to convey the envisioned worldview and background story, using techniques such as transitional images, interface backgrounds, and universal imagery to enable their parallel existence. German artist Albrecht Dürer's work "The 'Dürer Maximilian Triumphal Archs'" inspired me to depict a grand vision of future urban life using digital and AI technologies, which I named "Golden Age". The intent was to depict the world panorama before the narrative of the game storyline unfolds.
To gain a deeper understanding of and harness gamification to serve my artistic works, I initiated an exploration into artists who employ gamification approaches to create their works, such as Ian Cheng and Rebecca Allen, delving into the core of their creative processes. This involved a profound analysis of their directions in utilizing gamification and how they navigate the boundaries between design and pure art. This prompted me to begin exploring the realms of 3D and virtual reality. Simultaneously, I increased my focus on the field of game design, with plans to systematically study theoretical concepts in game design to better serve my works and development. The game "Monument Valley" provided valuable insights into the integration of art and design, further intensifying my interest in the field of game design.

Ruixiao Zhang unit3

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