Sketch: "The Golden World"

The artwork "Golden Age" started with only a small portion of the canvas. I expanded the canvas and added more content continuously.

In my other plans, I had hoped to create an animation that would encapsulate the entire worldview, background story, and the process of my game development.
However, I came to realize that this approach wouldn't meet my expectations and wouldn't effectively leverage my own strengths.
Map Sketch (Digital)

Sketch exploring the appearance of the game map.
I initially created a hand-drawn map sketch. At this stage, I determined the attributes of all the terrain types on the map and their approximate positions. I defined six types of terrain: flat land, forest, mountain, road, river, and resource points.
Game Unit Sketch (Digital)

Here, both initial drafts and discarded designs of character images are showcased. The majority of the discarded designs were rejected due to my belief that they lacked aesthetic appeal. Some were abandoned because their complexity made them unsuitable for a pixelated style.
Notes and Plans

Above is the Background Story and the basic game design

5 Faction Group settings
Empire: Human units are cost-effective and possess strong attributes,.
Machinism: They have expensive but highly combat-effective and powerful mechanical units.
The ARK: Their units have stronger mobility, and data units offer good cost-effectiveness.
Mutual Aid Society: All units have high health. The faction possesses powerful fixed units, which can move slowly but cannot occupy resource points. As a trade-off, the faction's units have lower mobility.
Mechanist Church - Adventists:They possess powerful and cost-effective ground units, but their air and fixed units have lower cost-effectiveness. As a trade-off, their main base has only half the health of bases from other factions.
Unit numerical design
H=Human unit, M=Mechanical unit, D=Data unit
G=Ground unit, A=Aerial unit, S=Stationary unit

The combined value obtained from the integration.