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Unit2 Artist Statement

Since Unit 1, I have explored various theories, imaginations, technologies, and artistic approaches in the domains of advanced technology, gamification, and posthumanism. However, I have encountered a problem: personal artistic works do not align well with the thematic exploration. Interestingly, I have found that the issue lies not so much in the quality of the works themselves but rather in the choice of medium and the forms of creation. Consequently, in Unit 2, my focus shifted towards finding more fitting, innovative, and captivating ways to present my interests, research, and imagination.

As we know, we are living in an era of highly developed electronic information, and the field of art cannot remain unaffected. The impact of advanced technology on art has reached a profound level, resulting in multidimensional changes in art forms, mediums, and dissemination. Traditional frameworks of art have become blurred, engaging in more interactions, fusions, and combinations with the technological realm, thereby generating infinite possibilities. This state of affairs guides, encourages, and inspires my explorations throughout Unit 2, which centers on exploring new mediums, divergent thinking, and expanding artistic forms.

To achieve this goal, I have chosen to gamify my works by utilizing game engines to create interactive experiences. This approach serves not only my personal interest but also aims to delve deeper into the thematic exploration of works based on a science fiction background. Through textual narratives, interactive processes, and the language of art, a complete worldview based on research and personal imagination will be presented. In this process, art truly connects with "high technology," and the power of imagination and creativity can be fully unleashed.

Ruixiao Zhang unit2

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